An Open
Letter to the World Health Organisation
Geoffrey A. Cliff
Citizen; educated by the UK State Education system and life
Citizen; trusted to vote, expected to obey the laws of the UK and the
European Union;
sound mind, and considered by most to be an intelligent and
perspicacious man.
me state from the beginning that I am not a fool; my judgement has
not always been of the best, but I am far from stupid. I have an
intelligence quotient that puts me in the top 5% of the general
population. I am blessed with a scientific mind, an ability to see to
the heart of problems, and a sensible approach to life. So please do
not try to tell me that I have no opinion of value, or that I am
unable to comprehend scientific reasoning, or that I can be easily
confounded by specious argument. I can think for myself.
I was a young man I began to smoke. At the time it was not unusual.
People around me smoked, I tried it, I liked it, and I continued to
do it. I started eating different foods in exactly the same way.
Those I liked, I continued to enjoy. I did the same with activities
such as cycling, swimming, fishing et cetera. Although each of
these things gave me pleasure, and the more I enjoyed them, the more
I enjoyed my life, I never considered that I was in any sense
'addicted' to them. I took part in no illegal activity, for I was
taught to be a good citizen and to follow the laws of society, so I
never took drugs. These, I was told, were addictive, and highly
dangerous, and should be avoided, so I obeyed. I was taught, too, to
be cautious of the many dangerous things that I would be exposed to;
knives, scissors, petrol, gas, electricity, road vehicles, trains,
alcohol, people who would do me harm, and so on ad infinitum.
None of these things were illegal, so were not prohibited in my life,
so I learned how to survive among them, and use them safely.
fact that I survived into adulthood is proof enough that I took note
of the admonitions, and adapted my youthful enthusiasm in order to
assure my safety. But I continued to smoke even when concerns were
raised that I may be doing myself harm. Because I enjoyed it, because
it had become a habit, I looked at the warnings, considered the
dangers, examined the evidence for and against, and carried on, since
I believed that the dangers were over-stated, and were issued on
moral grounds as much as on health grounds. Even when I was told that
I may be shortening my life expectancy, I looked at people who smoked
and lived to ages far in excess of the 'three-score and ten' that was
said to be the norm (including Sir Winston Churchill and the late
Queen Mother), and decided that I was willing to take the risk, as it
was my right so to do.
of course, I found myself facing an avalanche of propaganda;
statistics from every conceivable source, medical opinion, religious
views, ad tedium. Again, I looked at all the evidence, for and
against, and realised the wide divergence of opinion that existed
between supporters of smoking and antagonists – often based on the
same 'evidence' but with widely differing conclusions! I read of
experiments involving force-smoked beagles being killed, not by the
smoke they were forced to inhale, but by 'humane' dispatch for
analysis to 'prove' that they might have died had they been exposed
to smoke for a lifetime! Visits to my doctor became nothing more than
anti-smoking rhetoric; on one occasion I attended the surgery with, I
think, a scald. Asked whether I was a smoker, I asked the relevance
of the question. The answer: 'Well, it doesn't help, does it?'
Resisting the urge to make the point as to whether the price of milk
was a help or hindrance, I realised that I was in the process of
being brainwashed. Being a stubborn kind of person, unwilling to bow
to this assault, I vowed to resist and carried on smoking, as it was
my right so to do.
began the assault on my pocket. If smokers were going to make
themselves ill, and seek medical help from the National Health
Service, then said the Chancellor, they should pay special taxes for
the additional costs. Escalating rates of taxation would then force
the smoker to relinquish the habit. A moment's thought will cause a
reasonable person to observe, a) If smokers are dying younger, then
they will require medical treatment for less time than will
non-smokers. b) If they are dying so much sooner than non-smokers,
the savings in pensions and elderly health-care will be reduced. c)
If the governments are so convinced of the dangers of smoking, why
are tobacco products simply not banned, like heroin or cocaine? Is
tobacco less dangerous when tax has been paid? So I made the informed
decision to continue smoking, as it was my right so to do.
began the assault on smokers via public opinion. No longer was it
enough for smokers to be told that smoking could be harmful to
themselves, the public had to face a barrage of propaganda 'proving'
that smokers were harming the populace via 'passive' smoking. People
who had never entered a public house in their lives were being told
that they were in mortal danger from doing so because of it. Even
though the risks from passive smoking were reported to be less than
those from living on a city street, having an open fire in the home,
going out in fog, burning candles, having a garden bonfire, et
cetera, calls immediately came for smoking to be banned in
enclosed public places. Even some smokers thought this not a bad
idea, for there would be designated areas where they could continue
to smoke, without facing the fury of a now-hostile non-smoking
public. Of course, designated areas were not part of the plan, and
'enclosed public places' was stretched to include inclosed
places to which the public might have
access, as well as all workplaces, even where only smokers
work, including hospital car
parks, railway stations, bus shelters et cetera, ad
Eventually, under such pressure, even the most
dyed-in-the-wool smoker gives in – as he was intended to do by the
moral purists. He tried to give up the smoking habit, but found it so
ingrained that it was difficult to do so – not, I venture, because
of addiction to nicotine, but simply breaking a habit, finding
something to with his hands. But the kind and benevolent health
services had solutions to symptoms of withdrawal; nicotine
replacement therapy or NRT; patches, gum and inhalers containing
nicotine. And counselling services, and quit-clinics, and helplines.
Brilliant ideas, except that they did not work for most smokers, so
they continued, in their little corners, to smoke as they had a right
so to do.
Then came a miracle. A clean non-tobacco device that
contains just three harmless ingredients and a little nicotine. It
produces no toxins, has no side-effects on the user, nor on the wider
public, since it produces nothing more than water vapour, steam,
mist, gaseous H2O. It mimics the hand-to-mouth motion of smoking, and
is almost universally believed to be at least 1000 times safer than
smoking to the user, and several million times safer to any
bystander. Under all current laws, it is legal to use anywhere, since
it involves no lit tobacco, and no harm to the general public. Little
wonder, then, that smokers turned to the electronic or electric
cigarette, or e-cig, in their thousands, now millions. They have
discovered the joy of obtaining their harmless 'buzz' from nicotine
without the harmful carcinogens and toxins of tobacco smoke – the
substances they were warned for years were the real danger of
tobacco. And many, myself included, instantly became that ideal of
the moral purists – non-smokers! After fifty years, in my
case, during which I probably smoked around 500,000 cigarettes, plus
cigars and pipefuls of tobacco, I am a non-smoker. I haven't had a
cigarette for six months. I feel that my health and vigour have
improved, my clothes smell better, my car smells better, my
never-smoker wife is happier in my company, I enjoy walking more.
What more could be asked for?
Well, to start with, I would like to be allowed to be a
non-smoker. I would like to be allowed to sit in a pub or club, or
restaurant and exercise my legal right to enjoy nicotine with my
drink, or my meal, or my friends, without breathing in tobacco smoke,
for I am a non-smoker. I do not wish to be a passive smoker lurking
in the doorway, or huddled under a tree. For I am not a smoker, and I
do not wish to be treated as such because of the war on tobacco, for
I have forsworn tobacco for good.
But now the battle is no longer about smoking, and there
is little pretence that it is, or ever has been. The moral purists no
longer demand that the public is protected from my smoke, instead
they seek to take from me my right to consume a substance no more
harmful than caffeine, much less so than alcohol, on the pretext that
it is a powerfully addictive, toxic, carcinogenic, dangerous drug.
Yet there is no evidence for these charges, and there is ample
evidence to the contrary. Even the medical profession know that there
is no evidence for addiction, for they will happily give me nicotine
to satisfy my 'cravings'. Would they prescribe a shot of vodka for an
alcoholic, a 'fix' for a heroin junkie Would we take a compulsive
shoplifter on a shopping spree, or a serial killer on a paint-balling
There are other specious and spurious arguments too. The
main one says that using an e-cig 'normalises' the act of smoking.
This is preposterous. How can the act of NOT doing something
normalise the performance of the activity? One could similarly argue
that driving carefully normalises dangerous driving, or that lying in
bed normalises the act of standing. Then there is the one that says
that e-cigs encourage the consumption of nicotine, and nicotine
addition forces people to smoke. This muddled thinking is wrong on
two counts. 1) As we have seen in my case, smokers start by being
attracted to smoking for the sake of smoking, since they have not yet
experienced nicotine. If they take up the habit, they become
accustomed to nicotine (note I do not say 'addicted', since this is
an exaggeration). When they want to quit, nicotine helps them to do
so, if an acceptably attractive alternative source is available.
It is thus a 'gateway' out of smoking, not in. 2) Had
e-cigs been available when I began my smoking career, I would almost
certainly have stuck with them, for I never much enjoyed the taste of
tobacco, and I hated the 'fug' of smoke when I was in a room of
smokers, or that hung on my clothes afterward. You see, I am a
non-smoker at heart, and always was, but I let custom win, for there
was no alternative until recently. And this is true of just about
every e-cig user with whom I have discussed this point!
One of the most poisonous arguments used against e-cigs
is the supposedly cynical use of sweet flavourings in e-cig liquids
deliberately to attract children to start smoking. This is ludicrous
for several obvious reasons. 1) Ex-smokers do not want to emulate a
tobacco habit, so many prefer to break completely from tobacco to
something tasty; mint, fruit, aniseed, chocolate, coffee; the very
same tastes that even non-smokers prefer for sweets et cetera.
2) These same flavourings are used to make alcoholic drinks
palatable. No one has ever, to my knowledge, suggested that pubs
should be allowed to serve only vodka in order that young people do
not become alcoholics. 3) If sweet flavourings are more attractive,
and encourage more smokers to quit, then, surely, this is precisely
what the moral purists have been trying to encourage! And in whose
interest would it be if young people took up smoking? Not the e-cig
and e-liquid suppliers, but the tobacco companies, and the tax
collectors would get the lion's share!
Then we have the argument that children will fail to
recognise the difference between e-cigs and tobacco cigarettes, and
will take to smoking if they see adults with e-cigs. This is clearly
ludicrous because children can easily tell the difference between
things. I have never known a child to attempt to eat a ball because
he or she has eaten an orange, or to make a telephone call on a
remote control, or to walk up curtains because they resemble carpet.
Swords and table knives have a similarity, but we teach our
youngsters to tell them apart, and to understand the difference in
use. I do not know of a child that cannot tell the difference between
a policeman and a fireman. And in any event, should we not be
teaching our children about the hazards they will face in life, and
helping them to choose safer options?
Finally, we come to the crux of the matter. Moral
purists do not want e-cigs because they do not want anyone to enjoy
anything that they themselves do not enjoy, or that they think is
'sinful' or 'unnecessary'. They would un-invent the car, the
television, the radio, the computer, but if we were riding on
horseback, they would argue that we should walk. So they will not
tolerate anything that undermines their moral high ground. Obviously,
they were not truly intent on securing smoke-free public places; they
have achieved that already, but a world in which no-one consumes
nicotine, or puffs out water vapour, or even looks as though they
might be getting a little enjoyment out of life. Along that route
lies a dark and sinister world. As guardians of the public health,
you should ask yourself, “Can I ever make the world 100% safe?
Would life be worth living in such a world?” And, “If no-one is
being harmed, should I interfere?”. A single 'No' should mean that
it is time to let others make their own life choices, as it is
their right so to do!
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